The functionalities and applications that make the Frank!Framework perfect for your organization

Discover how the Frank!Framework optimizes your IT landscape. This way you remain predictable, independent and future-proof. Our reliable open-source solution has been used by Dutch companies and governments for more than 20 years.

Applications of the Frank!Framework

Discover how the Frank!Framework optimizes your IT landscape, ensuring you remain predictable, independent and future-proof. Our reliable open-source solution has been used by Dutch companies and governments for more than 20 years.

API endpoints for every backend

The Frank!Framework is extremely suitable for creating (REST) ​​API endpoints for any type of backend. It offers a simple, manageable and easy-to-maintain way to build APIs. This way you can easily connect your new frontend to different types of databases and applications, but also to monolithic applications or a mainframe.

Enterprise service messaging

The Frank!Framework translates between your applications and functions as an ESB. This makes it easier to connect new applications or replace an old application. The Frank!Framework also offers a message bus, message routing, standard components for data transformation, a management console and test tools.

Of course, the Frank!Framework can also be used as an integration with an external ESB.

Central archive solution (CMIS)

The Frank!Framework can be used as a solution to easily and insightfully combine data from different archives. You can request, display and modify data and even send it to the right place. This way you create a central point for managing and accessing multiple digital archives in a standardized way.

Migration solution

The Frank!Framework works like a power strip, making it easier to replace old applications. Migrating to a new application is as simple as plugging in a new plug. Your old application continues to run temporarily and the new application can be implemented gradually. This way, your service provision remains uninterrupted during your digital transformation.

API gateway functionality

A central place for requests to various microservices and APIs. The Frank!Framework provides secure APIs (authentication and authorization), scaling and message enrichment. An API gateway provides access to data from various applications and systems. It also provides standardized communication and management, without separate (custom) connections.

Translating between services

Applications that communicate with SOAP do not work with REST APIs. The Frank!Framework translates between XML and JSON, allowing these types of services to work together. And everything remains transparent and manageable through the management console. In addition to REST and SOAP, the Frank!Framework has many out-of-the-box connectors for the most common standards, such as SMTP, FTP, JMS and many more!


Is your business process dependent on the correct handling of all steps/services? Then transactionality is essential. For example: in a financial process, party 3 may only be paid if party 1 and party 2 have both paid. If something goes wrong somewhere in the process, you want all transactions to be automatically reversed.

Every programmer who has ever built transactionality into an application knows how complex this is. The Frank!Framework offers support for transactionality. It merely requires checking or unchecking a box!

In addition, the Frank!Framework has extensive logging and testing tools for insight into each step and the possibility of re-executing actions (resending).

(Batch) file transferring & handling

The Frank!Framework is suitable for transferring large numbers of files from one location to another in a safe and controlled manner. The Frank!Framework also offers the possibility of streaming, so that large (numbers of) files are sent in a less error-prone manner.

Scheduling (triggers) & Event Driven Automation

The Frank!Framework can perform actions based on various triggers and events. It is possible to start processes when adding a file to a folder, for example, or based on a simple cron job. In this way, an administrator can automatically resend unprocessed messages if the API of your supplier is temporarily unavailable. Of course, resending can also be done manually in the user-friendly Frank!Console.

Functionalities of the Frank!Framework

The Frank!Framework has several functionalities. Our open-source platform can be used for the following, among other things.

Linking databases

Linking different databases that work with different systems in an enterprise environment.

As an Enterprise Business Service

The Frank!Framework can be used instead of an Enterprise  Business Service (EBS).

Connect internet environment to backend

Providing links and transformations between an internet environment and underlying backend systems, such as SAP or Salesforce.

Business systems

Complex operations and transformations between business systems.

Building blocks of the Frank!Framework

To make System 1 messages understandable to System 2, they need to be modified. Once the System 1 information is validated, it is passed through various transformation pipes that modify the information. After this is successful, the information is forwarded to System 2. These transformation pipes are responsible for all information transformations and form the basis of the platform.

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